Thursday, 13 November 2008

PS 4305 3.18 Question 19

Explain why Malay pupils perform badly in Brunei PSR and PMB examination?

There is no doubt that Bruneian youths are having difficulties in scoring good grades in PSR and PMB examination especially in Mathematics subject.

The main reasons are:

1. The negative classroom environment.

Classroom learning environment refers to the overall climate and culture of the classroom itself - the communication patterns, the design or the classroom layout (the seating arrangement), the organization of physical space and the teacher’s ability to manage students’ behaviour in the classroom.

It can be a powerful teaching instrument to the teacher. The classroom learning environment needs to be supportive so that students will learn to respect each others and their ideas. Moreover, a positive classroom learning environment helps to provide a safe, secure and stimulating climate for children learning and to perform their best (Fraser, 1998). Teachers in Brunei did not find this very important.

The above picture shows the usual seating arrangement that can be found in any Mathematics classroom in Brunei Darussalam. When teachers consciously develop a plan for setting up the classroom and consistently apply this plan by organizing the seating arrangement shown, teaching and learning of Mathematics lesson in the classroom will therefore become ineffective.

Beside, the most common feature of a typical Bruneian classroom is that the walls and bulletin boards are always left empty without posters or pictures being hanged on the wall.

2. Teaching and learning styles -included covering syllabus issue, mixed abilities and language issues.

Most Mathematics teachers in Brunei usually practised “chalk and talk” approach, where it does not emphasize understanding concepts of ‘how’ to get the solution and ‘why’ the rules work. The teachers are only concerned about covering the syllabus and also preparing the students for the upcoming assessments.

Other than that, students of different abilities may have different standard of English. Those who achieve low scores may have problems in understanding English. Thus, teachers need to explain complicated words using simple English so that the whole class may understand the question. This will result in students being too dependent on teachers’ assistance.

In order to overcome this problem, teachers should be creative in their approach. Teachers should teach their students for understanding rather than just using chalk and talk method. Beside that teachers should take into account students’ different ability levels.

Compiled by:

(Dk Muhyidatul Syifa, Nur Farahana, Nur Ridzwannah, Mufidah, Ak Alif Wira Putra)

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