Wednesday, 12 November 2008

PS 4305 3.11 Question 12


  1. Saving teacher’s time for finding resources and teaching
  2. Some of the topics are easy to prepare, to edit and to make changes. Furthermore, information can be easily updated.
  3. Variety of programs and resources available on the website for the students to practice some of their higher order mathematical skills and mathematics of higher order thinking skills.
  4. Creative (colourful, animation, music and etc) to motivate students to learn and sustain their attention. It encourages teachers to create interesting and fun lesson to combat boredom.
  5. Guided discovery learning which produces self discovery learning with the help of teacher.
  6. Active participation of students through activities using interactive whiteboard with the help of teacher.
  7. Inclusion of more challenging problem-solving and investigative tasks for brighter students. Teachers can use math software to occupy stronger students (fast learners) and this allows teacher to give extra attention to the weaker ones.
  8. There are different types of software packages available, appropriate for teaching different aspects of mathematics, which provide better results than regular teaching.
  9. ICT is an important tool for pupils to manipulate mathematical figures and allow them to see what EFFECT their changes are having.
  10. Stimulate collaborative or cooperative learning; sharing of equipment by small groups or pairs may have positive advantages.
  11. With the use of tools such as calculators, children can basically skip the lower order note memory skills like memorizing addition and other facts.
  12. Making use of CD Rom Programs allows the teacher to give some instructions, including demonstrating and modeling how to use the program so that the student are able to do independent work.
  13. In some higher achieving schools, students can also use internet to facilitate research and learning in situations where the teacher is not present.
  14. Increase academic skills, reinforces social behaviours and appropriate use of ICT and Strengthens peer relationships.
  15. Some site for instance ‘project interactive’ is a site where students can practice their skill in a drill format. They may choose their grade level and skill they want to practice and work independently at their own level.
  16. There are some sites that allow students to ask question in mathematics e.g. “Dr. Math” to add further knowledge for better understanding.
  17. Relate knowledge for several areas in mathematics or other subjects.
  18. Concepts can be explained easily.
  19. Avoid problems of too overlying on the use of textbook.
  20. Using ICT means more exploration and development of ideas by children to enhance their ability to make sense of mathematics.

Group members: Sha, Faisal, Shamsul, Hannie, Rozie, and Zahrah

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